Monday, January 24, 2011

the other side of the story

today i was listening to Taylor Swift's song 'Invisible' and it starts out with;
she can't see the way your eyes light up when you smile
and it got me thinking how unfair all of us girls are when the guy we want finds someone he wants,
and well it's not us.
how about the girl he did choose? do we truly know her side of the story?
honestly yes, i have judged a girl because i have decided it would be easier to hate her than like her. because what do we get out of knowing her and finding out she's a great girl?
an even more broken heart, and a lifetime of trying to measure up to all she is.
so then i listened to another song; its by Miranda Lambert's and its called 'More Like Her' and it goes;
she's beautiful in her simple little way...
i guess i should've been more like her
so in the end what is the right thing to do?
it's up to you how you go about it, but just think to yourself before what you decide to do;
what would i want someone to do for me?
my older sister got married to the 'IT' boy of her high school.
but, it came with a price. his 'ex' girlfriend doesn't quite think she deserves to be with him.
thats the thing though. my older sister is flawless.
she's about 5'7-5'8, itty bitty skinny, with pretty blonde hair and piercing green eyes.
she has the kindest heart, and sweetest spirit.
if anyone would take the time to get to know her,
they'd know she deserves prince charming or anyone she wants.
but instead since they all wanted her husband they have judged her,
and made their decision off of the fact that they think they are the only one's who deserve her husband.
so next time o recommend getting to know her,
maybe it might make you feel better, maybe it'll make you realize you really aren't what he wanted.
maybe you'll see you arent his type.
maybe it'll help you get over him, but i know in the end,
its best you stay yourself
and realize there's somone out there for you.
and one day you might be the other girl, so don't judge.

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